I see a new Nigeria in the hands of God – Obasanjo

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Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo says he has seen a “new Nigeria in the hands of God”.

Obasanjo said this on Thursday when he registered as a member of the Coalition for Nigeria Movement (CNM).

The elder statesman said the movement would raise the standard of political leadership and governance.

“Coalition for Nigeria Movement is proposed as the new direction to mobilise the country’s population for unity, cooperation, development, rule of law, employment, law and order, justice, integration, peace, security, welfare and well-begin,” he said.

“I am happy to be a member of the Coalition for Nigeria Movement. The movement is a pressure point towards good governance. This is the commencement of our popular and grassroots association.

“It is necessary to make clear that this movement does not regard itself as a third force. It sees itself as a popular movement that can accommodate all Nigeria irrespective of their political interest or afflictions and will propel Nigeria forward.

“Nigeria belongs to all Nigerians to be made right and the coalition with others of the same view and like minds will leave no stone unturned to actualise God-given potentials of our country. The movement will spearhead process, programme, policies and priorities to make Nigeria a great country playing its expected roles within West Africa, Africa and the world.

“I see a new Nigeria in the hands of God and we will all be witnesses of the emergence of a new Nigeria.”

The former president said he would withdraw his membership of the movement, if it decides transform into a political party.

“If the movement decides to transform itself and go into politics, I will cease to be a member. And as a member for now, I accept all the conditions attached to membership of the coalition,” he said.

Obasanjo hinted about the coalition in the letter he wrote to President Muhammadu Buhari last week.

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