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By Benson Amukpo
The current spate of defections of Nigeria politicians from one political cartel to the other is, in my opinion,  borne out of political expediency and survival instinct. As a matter of fact, this generation of politicians are driven by self-aggrandizement rather than political ideologies.
The truth is that the current political elites (I call them misleaders) are void of the notion of nation building, corporate governance and responsibilities. The desire to build a virile and sustainable economy never find expression in their political manifestos. They lack the sense of patriotism needed to grow the wealth of the nation for the general good.
This explains why Nigeria has not evolved politically and consequently, we have become a fragile nation-state or failed nation-state, if you will, governed by mediocre and cartels of criminals. But how long shall we stand hands akimbo watching with absolute aloofness the gradual ruination of our fatherland? How long shall these ravening wolves posses our skies?
Not too long. Fellow Nigerians, it has been said that “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” And that “silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Hence we can no longer afford to be silent. The social behaviours of our elected representatives can no longer be tolerated nor condoned.
Our frustrations and discontent at the crass ineptitude and abysmal corruption being manifested daily by our elected officials can no longer be expressed verbally only. The Holy Writs (The Holy Scripture, James.2:17, 26 and the Quran, 18:30) cautioned us all that our faith, among other things, in the survival of our fatherland will be futile unless it is accompanied with actions or good deeds. It is time, in my opinion that we elect ourselves as agents of good deeds by rejecting, in an unequivocal term, the ruination of our nation. It is high time we channel our discontent at the corrupt political elites who are nothing but ravening wolves.
It is time, my dear friends and fellow citizens that we strike hard at corruption in all its derivatives and across the land. And when cobra do strike, death is imminent. This is the choicest of all options. And until corruption dies, none is free.
Pastor Benson Amukpo, is the Secretary, Nigerian Movement for Positive Change (NMPC),Worldwide.
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