Reflections Without Mirror: Is Secession the Answer to Nigeria’s Problem: Part 1: Niyi Aborisade

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Reflections Without Mirror—— Niyi Aborisade

Is Secession the answer to Nigeria’s problem? Part 1.

After the rag tag small group of misguided elements of the so-called ‘ Yoruba Agitators’ attacked the Oyo State House of Assembly, many people have been asking me the above question. Recently I gave an interview to a popular TV station in a related matter and so I have decided to post my opinion on that matter.

Prior to the 12 April 2024 attack on Oyo State House of Assembly by the disillusioned group of irresponsible beings, we have had three declarations of secession in the past. The first declaration in February 1966 was for the Niger Delta Republic led by Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro(2)The Declaration of Republic of Biafra in 1967 was led by Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu and the 1990 declaration by Major Gideon Orkar and his excising of Six Northern states out of Nigeria. I will now proceed to deal with them according to the above numbers and state why they decided to secede. I will explore and discuss whether secession was necessary and whether the Nigerian government can do anything to stop people’s agitation for independence

The first declaration of secession in Nigeria was made by Isaac Adaka Boro. He declared the Niger Delta Republic on 23 February 1966 . Delta Region, as of today, is made up of Nine States. Delta, Edo, Cross River, Abia, Imo, Balyesa, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, and Ondo States.

Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro was born on 10.09.1938 in Olobiri, Nigeria, when Nigeria was still under the British Colony. Olobiri is in present- day Bayelsa State. He was an Ijaw man, and the Ijaws were arguably the best swimmers in Nigeria.

The Niger Deltan region is the oil producing state in Nigeria and has been under Shell operation as far back as 1937. The Shell PLC has boasted that it will stay in Nigeria for over 1000 years. This promised was made shortly after the assasination of Ken Saro Wiwa and other 8 Ogonis in 1995. The killings of Ken and others under General Sanni Abacha had the long arms of Shell PLC to silent any would be Agitators.

Isaac Boro attended the University of Nigeria and was one time the student leader. He was a student of chemistry. He vacated school to lead a protest against the exploitation and exploration of oil and gas resources in the Niger Delta region. According to him, the exploitation was benefitting only the Federal Government, Enugu, and the cronies in power. The People of Niger Delta region were pauprised and their enviroment was facing destruction from the exploration. The aborigines of the land had no stake nor benefits from the booming oil and gas industry. He was Marxist oriented and was known to be the pioneer of minority rights. He was fascinated by Cuban Revoultion of 26 July 1953 to 1 January 1959 under Fidel Castro. He was fired up by the armed struggle of Fidel Castro and the involvement of Che Guevera. Che was the father and inspiration to many revolutionaries in the world with his famous beret and his expertise in guerilla warfare. He was 2nd in command to Fidel Castro and played a significant role in bringing down the government of Batistuta. He met Fidel Castro in Mexico and they immediately bonded as they shared the same idea, the same value, and the same dignity within them. When Guevera was a medical student, he travelled throughout South America and became a changed person when he saw poverty, hunger, and diseases in the region due to capitalist exploitation. He became radicalised and decided to help overturn what he saw as the capitalist exploitation.

It was therefore not a surprise that Isaac Boro taking a cue from Che Guevera was ready to forfeit his brilliant academic career to pursue the welfare of the Niger Deltans and deliver them from the hand of the capitalist Nigerian government who was creating poverty and hunger in his mother land. He believed that the Niger Deltans should benefit more since the resources are coming from their land, a situation that has destroyed that land completely,and nearly wiped out Marine life. Isaac Boro refused to fold his arms while his mother’s land was being raped. He understood the principle of life and that it only takes righteous people to keep silent for evil to triumph in the society. He refused to be silenced. He decided to do something, he had a vision of changing the narrative albeit through armed struggle.

Isaac Boro established Niger Delta Volunteer Force to resist the oppressors by the name of the Federal Military Government of Nigeria under General Yakubu Gowon . He went further to declare the ‘ Republic of Niger Delta. He prepared his small army to defend the new country. Isaac Boro was one of the bravest Nigerians of his time. His comrades believed in his leadership, and without any external influence, he was ready to take on the might of the federal government of Nigeria.

The Federal Government under Gen. Yakubu Gowon led a devastating attack on the newly established republic. The fight lasted 12 days, and the federal government mobilised all their resources to fight the small army of Isaac Boro. The Isaac Boro led army fought gallantly with little weapons, but they were subdued by the might of the federal government. Boro and his comrades were captured and jailed for treason.

However, despite his rebellion and even the fact that he took arms against Nigeria, his prowess and sincerity did not go unnoticed by the federal government.

In May 1967, the federal government had reached an agreement with him, they had negotiated with him, they saw his talent and decided to recognise this brilliant young man. Boro and his comrades were released on the eve of the Nigeria/ Biafra Civil War. They needed his help to win the war; he understood the terrain and possessed the requisite knowledge of warfare. They persuaded him to assist them with his expertise and fight on the side of Federal Government. They promised him that after the war, his Niger Delta would be well taken care of as part of Nigeria. Many promises were made to him. He agreed and decided to help them.

Isaac Boro was commissioned a field Major and created the Special Force 19th brigade of the Nigerian Army. Combined with his military duties were assignment to train the Nigerian soldiers how to swim while carrying weapons. Many officers from the 3rd Marine Commando under Brigadier Benjamin Adekunle were sent to him for training. He was an outstanding Naval Officer without Western Orthodox training. Isaac Boro 19th Brigade special force was to link up with the Benjamin Adekunle 3rd Marine Commando on their way to capture Portharcout. His talent was recognised despite not receiving formal military training. He excelled in his assignment. He was a reliable and trusted officer of the Nigerian military. He mobilised his 19th brigade as a diversionary tactic to assist the 3rd Marine Commando under a planned hatched by Col. Benjamin Adekunle. The Biafran army were taken—— to be continued

Niyi Aborisade is a lawyer, a Human Rights Activist and a historian

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