Reflections Without Mirror: Is Secession the Answer to Nigeria’s Problem: Part 4: Niyi Aborisade

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Reflections Without Mirror: Is Secession the Answer to Nigeria’s Problems: Part 4 by Niyi Aborisade

After General Ibrahim Babangida was sighted at Obalende, he was taken to Abacha residence, where he felt totally secured and where the rest of the operation of the counter coup was directed successfully

Recently, Babangida gave an interview wherein he stated that he was unable to stop Abacha when the latter told him not to hand over to late MKO Abiola. He did not mind his words to say Abacha was behind his success, and he was responsible for crushing many coups that would have taken him away. From Babangida’s statement, he feared Abacha more than anything and not only because of owing him his success in life but because Abacha was ruthless and ready to kill anyone that he perceived as enemy or that he thought may stand on his way of progress.

Babangida, in that fear, annulled the most peaceful and fairest election in the history of Nigeria held on 12 June 1993. It was annulled at Abacha’s behest so that Babangida and Abiola may live because he and David Mark threatened to Kill Abiola if he was declared winner. Babangida did not disclose this latest information for years but has just released it in the twilight of his years. His evidence can not be tested since Abacha is no longer with us, having joined his ancestors in one of the most ignoble deaths that a leader can die. It happened that while the people of Nigeria were groaning under his tyrannical rule, Abacha was frolicking and performing sexual acts with two imported professional prostitutes. He died in the act and though there were so many speculations surrounding his death as to whether he was killed by the prostitutes who were paid by foreign government to eliminate him or the ecstasy was too much for him and died of cardiac arrest, death is death and a good relief to the people of Nigeria. The expiration of Abacha in 1998 gave way to the democracy that we are enjoying today. ‘At least the worst democracy is better than the best military government’. Abacha’s time was the second darkest period of Nigeria after the civil war of 1967 -1970 where millions lost their lives.

After Gideon Orkar pre-recorded broadcast on the radio,the firefight at Dodan barracks overwhelmed the rebels and so they fled the scene. They cannot withstand the heavy fire from the loyal troops of the Federal Government, they had grossly underestimated the presidential guards.

I have spoken to one of the officers who repelled the coup plotters in Dodan Barracks on that fateful day and the evacuation of Babangida to confirm the accuracy of the information that I had.

Gideon Orkar fled to Bonny Camp, his barrack. This, in fact, was a mistake. Why did he run to Bonny Camp?was it to raise an army or hide? Can he hide in Bonny Camp or gain sympathy of his friends whom he did not tell of the coup?. If so, it was a great miscalculation, in any event he was fished out like a rat from his hole. It was a junior officer who arrested and disarmed him. He surrendered without putting up a fight and gently handed over his pistol to the officer. The star of 1990 coup was falling.

Some of Gideon Comrades fled to different places and were not caught, they escaped the ambush and traps set by Federal Military Government. One of them escaped to the Uk and remained there till now. Major Mukoro also escaped, though his wife Dorah Mukoro was arrested immediately after the coup

Gideon Orkar and some of the mutineers who were arrested were court martialed. They were about 40 in numbers, they were found guilty and convicted of treason and were summarily executed.

That was the last attempt to expel some states out of Nigeria akin to the declaration of secession until this year April 2024.

In April 2024, some small group of indoctrinated and misguided people known as Yoruba Agitators took to the Oyo State House of Assembly and hoisted their flag declaring Yoruba nation. It was total madness from these misguided elements of the society…… To be continued

Niyi Aborisade is a lawyer, a Human Rights Activist and a historian

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