Masari calls for strict regulation of social media

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Katsina state Governor Aminu Masari has called for strict regulation of the social media giving its increasing damages to families, communities and leadership.

Speaking when he received the minister of communication on courtesy call, Masari stressed the need for the ministry to come up with operational guidelines and regulations to sanitise it.

According to him, the social media has led to the dissolution of so many marriages, disharmony among friends and families noting that ‘ I don’t think it was meant for this’

“The social media has become free where anyone can do anything and get free with it, its abuses is becoming rampant,” he said

Even renowned newspapers are not left out with so many doubtful stories, the non check is causing damages, he added

Masari said more wearisome was the telecommunication companies that allows hackers to get access to people numbers adding, “My phone was once cloned and used to send so many messages to unsuspecting people.”

Earlier, the minister of communication, Adebayo shittu had enumerated the advantages of the ICT sector in making life more easier and accessible. He called for more collaboration between the ministry and the state towards advancing the sector which he said will be the next big revenue for the state and country.

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