Great Lesson To be Learnt from Awo Part 1

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Chief Obafemi Awolowo’s Letter to Chief Adeola Odutola on Education Loan
By Adedara Oduguwa

We are all familiar with the ‘Best President Nigeria never had’ & the most celebrated Yoruba figure after Oduduwa (Odumakin, 2012).

A man of ideology and words. Although he died many years ago, we cannot stop but continue to mourn his death because the nation refused to grow and learn from his ideals, even after decades of his departure.

Chief Jeremiah Oyeniyi Obafemi Awolowo’s exemplary leadership refuse to depart our memories even as we witness series of serial mediocre occupying leadership positions in our 55-year old nation. The problem as often enunciated by some of us is  utterly not corruption, but sheer incompetence and lack of ideological orientation.

This Article reminds us about a man, who was so determined and focussed from the beginning of his life on what he wants to do and how he wants to do it. I find it very significant today in our political economy that our generation (the abused generation) which was failed by the outgoing generation should learn from such exemplary clues.

Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Lawyer, Journalist and a Renowned Politician

What is more, I have read this letter over and over in the last five years. And my conclusion is that, being focussed is one of the world’s greatest assets a man could possess. Awo made a loan request of £1,400 on March 25, 1943 from Chief Timothy Adeola Odutola, the richest Ijebu man in those days with a promise to pay back by 1955

Chief Odutola refused him of the Loan, Awo could not travel that year. He buckled up his lace and by August 14, 1944 (one year later) he travelled to England, became a Barrister at law and was called to Bar in November 1946. Amazingly, by 1954, a year to the time he promised to pay Chief Odutola the Loan, Chief Awolowo had become the Premier in the Defunct Western Region and was giving out Scholarships to over 200 students and undergraduates (first of its kind in Africa).

I find it a great pleasure to replicate the full version of the Awoistic dedicatory letter, following repeated requests from friends that the Nigerian Youths need to see, digest & be acquainted with this memorial document.



Dear Mr. Odutola,

I think it will be an exceeding saving of time and more business-like if I avoid all sweet preliminaries and go straight into the object of this letter and say that I am writing to ask you to be good enough to lend me a sum of £1,400 (One thousand and four hundred pounds) free of interest for twelve years.

It is a staggering figure! More staggering indeed does it become, when it is realized that I, who am asking for this loan, have nothing in all the world to give as a security for this money, excepting my good faith and my brains which again are of value only so long as I continue to breathe the breath of life!

Nevertheless, I here proceed to outline in brief why i want this big loan from you. And I hope you will be kind enough to sacrifice some time to go through what I have to say, even though , in  the end you might find yourself unable to do me this grand favour.

One great ambition of mine since my boyhood days is to be a lawyer, a politician and a journalist, rolled into one. I cherish politics and journalism as a career. ; and I desire advocacy as a means of livelihood. For you will agree with me that a politician or journalist who has no money with which to support himself and family comfortably ,is like a blade which has no razor.

Now, at one time, I was on the verge of making enough money with which I could proceed to England in order to pursue the object of my ambition; but I suffered a twist in my fortune, and I crashed. Ever since, I have tried without success to recover lost grounds, financially. But spiritually and intellectually, I have made appreciable advance in spite of towering difficulties, all of which have now been surmounted.

As you are aware, I have just passed the intermediate Bachelor of Commerce Examination. Next year, I am taking the final B.Com. Having a degree is not my goal; I hate to be a government or mercantile employee. Otherwise, there are opportunities for me here and there to get a suitable and well paid job under government or one of the mercantile houses. As you know, however, once I become an employee of government or a mercantile establishment that is the end to my career as a politician and journalist. I have therefore resolved that under no circumstances will I take up such employment.

That is just by the way. I am now thirty-four years of age. After careful thought, I have come to the conclusion that if I could raise a loan free of interest sufficient to cover expenses , I should go to England , this year and within three years, I should qualify as a Barrister –at –law, and also obtain with Honours the LL.B Degree of London University. In addition this degrees apart from giving me good backing as a solicitor and Advocate will help me immensely as a politician and journalist.

But where on earth could i get the money? Who in Nigeria today could give £1400 free of interest to help his fellow-man? J.Henry Doherty, Esq., of illustrious memory who did the like to many successful Nigerians is no more. But after meticulous, shifting and weighing, I hit upon you.

I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that out of the bounty with which providence blesses your grit and efforts as a businessman, you can well easily afford to advance such a sum of money. I have no doubt too that as a young and progressive man you will be quite happy to give the money for the pursuit of the project for which I desire it.

But then, could you take this risk?

That is the question. As I have said before, I have no security for this loan. Moreover, I want it free of interest. So that you stand to gain absolutely NOTHING in the whole transaction ,except the satisfaction that by helping me to achieve my ambition you are indirectly or even directly helping Nigeria or even Africa.

This risk becomes greater when it is borne in mind that I might die in the course of my studies or immediately after , so that, since I have no security or surety, you stand the chance of losing not only the money but also the satisfaction which you may cherish that you are contributing to the uplift of Africa. It is indeed a great risk; the greatest any man ever embarks upon.

But, this is a big BUT, if I live, as I have no doubt I will do, you will not only get your money back in full, but you will , to the end of your days , have cause to rejoice that you have done one of the most outstanding and most philanthropic acts any human being ever does. Among other things, I shall make excellent use of the money while in England by breaking records in my examination. On my return  to Nigeria, I shall strive to be one of the foremost advocates, politicians and writers in West Africa, and while I do all these, I shall make it a point not only to pay your money back in full, but also to repay your kindness and generosity towards me in every way I can.

All the same, it is a big risk! So , Sir, I like you to think seriously about it, and see if you can take it in the interest of a young man who has brains ,industry and determination to back his ambition , but lacks the money. I know we have never been close friends, but I have a shrewd idea that you may take the risk and help me.

On this assumption, therefore, I proceed to the next and last stage of this letter.

I shall not require the whole £1,400 in a lump sum. To start with, you will help me pay a sum of £208-13s-3d to the Inner Temple. I have already received an application form from this Inn of Court; and from the details forwarded, I gather that the sum of £208-13s-3d will cover all the cost of training as a Barrister, examination fees excluded.

When I am ready to sail, you will advance me a sum of £100 to cover passage, provision for my

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