Politicians need to revisit Awolowo’s template for development

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POLITICIANS have been urged to use the political, structural and infrastructural development blueprint of the former Premier of Western region, Chief Obafemi Awolowo as template for development of the country.

This plea was made by the President Nigerian Movement for Positive Change (NMPC), Barrister Niyi Aborisade, in an interview with Nigerian Tribune at the weekend.

Aborisade said it is unfortunate that most Nigerian politicians and political parties today lack philosophical ideology that was the core of political hallmark of first and second republic.

The Solicitor of Supreme Court of England and Wales noted further that several politicians who find themselves in positions of authority now were not prepared but only find themselves on the seat, hence they wobbled about experimenting in governance, thereby wasting precious times of the masses learning the robe at the wrong time.

Aborisade said “the current call for restructuring may go the way of clamour for federalism in the country. The same way years back that we clamoured for federalism, now it seems federalism has failed us and we’re pressing for restructuring again.

“We must stop business politics in Nigeria and come up with ideology party politics as it was in the days of Chief Obafemi Awolowo. We must recreate disciplined political discipleship that will seek political power based on specific political framework that will actually develop our nation.

“Chief Awolowo, through his parties, Action Group and Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN), identified the problems of the masses, provided solution to them and pursued developmental agenda that is still relevant today. He led a crop of committed young and vibrant political disciples whose traits even after his demise professed the philosophy of Awolowo.

“There is no gainsaying; Awolowo’s political dynasty, which cuts across all the regions of this country, was the best thing that ever happened to this country. But unfortunately, age is fast chasing on them, we must ensure that there is platform to recreate this set of politicians and probably make available the blueprint with which Awolowo ruled the Western region available to them and ensure that it is followed to the latter.

“Nigerians must organise themselves to resist salary problems, egalitarianism and should rise to fight for a better society. That’s what Nigerian Movement for Positive Change (NMPC) is fighting for with belief that it is achievable. Our society has gone to sleep the moment we think Nigeria is now in a democratic society.

“Even the developed countries still have virile human right activity group that ensure good governance. The role of government and politicians is to strive to ensure citizens get the best while groups like us have a duty to put them on their toes to achieve that. We have had such in the past, though we went to bed, but I want to assure you that NMPC is ready to fill that vacuum,” Aborisade stated.

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